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Day 59 - Busybody

"Stop going on about it!" I told John, as we cleared up after breakfast. "You caused this in the first place."
     "You had no right to volunteer on my behalf."
     "I told you. I didn't have any choice. I'm sure it'll be an enriching experience for you. I mean …. what have you done so far to support people in the community during this crisis? You go out there every Thursday and clap others. Wouldn't you like to feel you'd contributed in some way?"
     "I have. I've looked after my mother.  I've made sure that my family is ok."
     "True, but by doing this ….. you can have the satisfaction of knowing that you're really making a difference to the ……. wider community."
     "Stop trying to make it sound like you've done me a favour, Daisy. There are risks involved, you know. Have you forgotten about that? I'll be interacting with all sorts."
     "Margaret says, you just leave the box on the doorstep, knock, then step well back. It's perfectly safe."
     "Try telling that to Mrs White, a few doors down."

Text to Olivia:

Hi Olivia. PLEASE can you get in touch. I need to know that you're ok or I'm coming round.

Within a few minutes of pressing 'Send', she was face-timing. From her bed. At midday. She still looked like shit.
     "Daisy, will you stop bothering me. I'm taking all this virus business seriously, like you said.  Are you never satisfied?"
     "I told you, Olivia.  Don't listen to the crap that I spout. Nobody else does."
     "But ….. you were right, Daisy. There's no point in pretending that everything's ok when it soooooo isn't."
     "Come on, Olivia. This isn't you. You're usually so ….. positive. Why don't you get up, have a nice shower and maybe cook yourself something?  You could log into your work emails. I've sent you lots of ideas about the next project."
     "I don't care about work, Daisy."
     "Oh come on, Olivia. To be honest, I'm struggling for ideas. I need your creative input. You're brilliant at all that stuff."
     "I'm exhaaaaaaausted!" she wailed, throwing herself back onto a pile of furry pillows, dramatically. I could see that her bed was littered with empty crisp packets and there was a full-sized bottle of vodka on the bedside table. I don't know whether I was more surprised by the crisps or vodka. Olivia didn't normally bother with either.
     "Please, Olivia. Just ……."
     "Thank you for your concern but ….. I really need to sleep now, Daisy. Bye."

John had a face like a slapped arse all day,  suddenly becoming very busy with stuff - the garden, emailing his office - anything to get the point across that he had way too much on to be helping with the food deliveries and that it was all a major inconvenience. Just before dinner, I saw him talking across the fence to Margaret; all smiles and nodding along enthusiastically. So two-faced!
     "Thank God I haven't got to get involved with the shopping side of things," he told me later.
     "I told you. Just deliveries. When do you start?"
     "Tomorrow. Margaret wants me to drop a few packages over to the bloody Birlington Estate."
     "Ooh! The Birlington Estate."
     "Do you remember what we did with that rounders bat?"
     "John  …. I'm sure there'll be no need for that. Don't be so …… melodramatic. Now ….. where did I put that big bag of Revels.  I swear that if anyone's touched those without checking with me first, that I will murder them, before probably dying of sugar deprivation. I am absolutely, completely and utterly desperate for some chocolate tonight. What? What have I said?"


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